The Story Behind TheSeaholic was made on January 28, 2020 while I was searching for some Sea-Ship related movies and found out that most of the posts about Top 10 Best Sea Movies were mere random compilations. I felt so broke that I published this site right away and here’s my first historic post Top 10 Ocean movies: Best Movies On the Sea and Shipping . Rest is just history 🙂

    About is a raw-fun to read blog where I’ll be sharing stuff related to sea, shipping and Everything around Maritime Industry. So If there’s something that fascinates you about the sea, you’ve come to the right place.

    While other sea blogs are busy pretending that they are important and serve as a “voice for the industry”, theSeaholic understands it is neither important or even very well written.

    So life’s limited and before I lose all the motivation to keep writing my stuff here, let’s believe in having a good time while doing what I love to do.

    If you can sea it, you can be it.

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