Star Wars ships are iconic and integral to the Star Wars universe, captivating fans with their unique designs, capabilities, and histories. These vessels are not merely modes of transportation but characters in their own right, each with a distinct personality and role within the galaxy far, far away.
From the classic Millennium Falcon to newer additions like the Razor Crest, Star Wars ships have become symbols of adventure and exploration.
The ships are not only visually stunning but also possess detailed histories and capabilities that enrich the depth of the Star Wars universe
Top 10 Star Wars Ships Ranked
1. Han Solo’s Millennium Falcon

The Millennium Falcon is a fictional starship in the Star Wars franchise, famously piloted by the character Han Solo. The ship is a heavily modified Corellian YT-1300f light freighter, and is known for its distinctive appearance, including a saucer-shaped primary hull and two forward-facing mandibles.
The Millennium Falcon played a major role in the original Star Wars trilogy, serving as the primary mode of transportation for Han Solo, Chewbacca, and their companions. The ship was known for its speed and agility, as well as its heavily customized weapons and defences.
The ship’s most famous moment in the Star Wars franchise comes in the first film, where it is involved in the climactic battle against the Death Star. The Falcon is able to outmaneuver the Imperial fighters and deliver the crucial shot that destroys the Death Star.
The Millennium Falcon has since become an iconic symbol of the Star Wars franchise, with its unique design and memorable role in the original trilogy making it a favorite of fans worldwide. It has also appeared in several of the newer Star Wars films, including the sequel trilogy and standalone film Solo: A Star Wars Story.
2. X-wing fighter

The X-wing fighter is a fictional starfighter in the Star Wars franchise. It is the primary fighter craft used by the Rebel Alliance and the New Republic in their fight against the Galactic Empire.
The X-wing fighter is a highly versatile craft, capable of both space and atmospheric flight. It is characterized by its distinctive “X”-shaped wings, which can be adjusted to allow the fighter to make tight turns and perform complex maneuvers. The fighter is equipped with a variety of weapons, including laser cannons and proton torpedoes, and is shielded to protect against enemy fire.
The X-wing fighter is piloted by a single pilot, who is seated in the cockpit and has access to a range of advanced instrumentation and controls. The cockpit is also equipped with a targeting computer, which can help the pilot to acquire and track enemy targets.
The X-wing fighter has played a major role in the Star Wars franchise, featuring prominently in the original trilogy as well as in the newer films and television shows. The fighter has become an iconic symbol of the franchise, representing the courage and determination of the Rebel Alliance in their fight against the oppressive Galactic Empire.
3. Finalizer
The Finalizer is a fictional Star Destroyer in the Star Wars franchise. It is a Resurgent-class Star Destroyer and serves as the flagship of the First Order, a military organization that emerged from the ashes of the Galactic Empire.

The Finalizer is a massive warship, measuring over two kilometers in length, and is equipped with a wide range of advanced weaponry and defenses. It is crewed by thousands of First Order officers and soldiers, and is commanded by General Hux and later, Kylo Ren.
The ship features a distinctive dagger-shaped design, with a heavily armored hull and a towering command tower. It is equipped with a variety of weapons, including turbolasers, ion cannons, and missile launchers, and is capable of launching a squadron of TIE fighters and other spacecraft.
The Finalizer plays a major role in the sequel trilogy of Star Wars films, serving as the primary base of operations for the First Order and participating in several key battles. It is ultimately destroyed during the Battle of Exegol, where it is part of the massive Sith Eternal fleet assembled by Emperor Palpatine.
Overall, the Finalizer is a formidable warship that embodies the power and technological prowess of the First Order. Its imposing design and advanced weaponry make it a symbol of the threat posed by the First Order to the galaxy.
4. The Devastator
The Devastator is a fictional Star Destroyer in the Star Wars franchise. It is an Imperial-class Star Destroyer and serves as the flagship of Darth Vader during the events of the original Star Wars film.

The Devastator is a massive warship, measuring over one kilometer in length, and is equipped with a wide range of advanced weaponry and defenses. It is crewed by thousands of Imperial officers and soldiers, and is commanded by Captain Khurgee.
The ship features a typical Star Destroyer design, with a wedge-shaped hull and a series of command towers and weapon emplacements. It is equipped with a variety of weapons, including turbolasers, ion cannons, and tractor beams, and is capable of launching a squadron of TIE fighters and other spacecraft.
The Devastator plays a major role in the opening scenes of the original Star Wars film, where it intercepts and boards the Tantive IV, a Rebel Alliance blockade runner carrying Princess Leia Organa. Darth Vader personally leads the Imperial forces in capturing the ship and taking Leia prisoner, setting the stage for the rest of the film.
Overall, the Devastator is a powerful symbol of the might and ruthlessness of the Galactic Empire. Its massive size and advanced weaponry make it a formidable opponent for any who dare to oppose the Empire, and its role in capturing Princess Leia sets the stage for the epic struggle between the Rebellion and the Empire.
5. Invisible Hand

The Invisible Hand is a fictional flagship in the Star Wars franchise. It is a Providence-class dreadnought that serves as the command ship of General Grievous, a cyborg military commander in the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars.
The Invisible Hand is a massive warship, measuring over a kilometer in length, and is equipped with a wide range of advanced weaponry and defenses. It is crewed by thousands of battle droids and is capable of carrying numerous starfighters and other spacecraft.
The ship features a unique design, with a triangular shape and a series of curved wings that give it an insectoid appearance. It is equipped with a variety of weapons, including turbolasers, ion cannons, and missile launchers, and is capable of launching a squadron of Vulture droids, Tri-fighters, and other droid starfighters.
The Invisible Hand plays a major role in the events of the Star Wars prequel trilogy, participating in several key battles including the Battle of Coruscant, where it engages in a fierce battle with Republic forces and is ultimately disabled and destroyed.
6. Darth Vader’s TIE fighter
Darth Vader’s TIE fighter is a fictional starfighter in the Star Wars franchise. It is a modified TIE Advanced x1 and serves as the personal starfighter of Darth Vader, a Sith Lord and high-ranking member of the Galactic Empire.

Vader’s TIE fighter is an advanced starfighter, heavily modified from the standard TIE Advanced x1. It is equipped with a suite of advanced sensors and targeting systems, as well as a hyperdrive and deflector shields, making it far more capable than standard TIE fighters. It is also armed with a pair of heavy laser cannons and a proton torpedo launcher.
The fighter features a distinctive design, with a black color scheme and a large, angled cockpit that gives it a menacing appearance. It is capable of high speeds and tight turns, making it a formidable opponent in space combat.
Vader’s TIE fighter plays a prominent role in the events of the original Star Wars trilogy, appearing in several key battles including the Battle of Yavin, where Vader engages in a dogfight with Rebel pilots in an attempt to stop them from destroying the Death Star.
Overall, Darth Vader’s TIE fighter represents the power and ruthlessness of the Galactic Empire and its most feared enforcer. Its advanced capabilities and distinctive design make it a recognizable and iconic symbol of the Star Wars franchise.
7. Republic Attack Cruiser

The Republic Attack Cruiser is a fictional starship in the Star Wars franchise. It is a warship utilized by the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars.
The Attack Cruiser is a heavily armed and armored vessel, measuring over a kilometer in length. It is equipped with a wide range of advanced weaponry and defenses, including turbolasers, ion cannons, missile launchers, and deflector shields. It is also capable of carrying a complement of starfighters, ground assault craft, and troops.
The ship features a distinctive design, with a long, slender hull and a series of curved wings that give it a sleek and aerodynamic appearance. It is crewed by thousands of clone troopers and officers, and is capable of coordinating large-scale military operations.
The Republic Attack Cruiser plays a prominent role in the events of the Star Wars prequel trilogy, participating in several key battles including the Battle of Geonosis and the Battle of Coruscant. It is also featured in the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, where it is often seen leading Republic fleets into battle against the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
8. TIE silencer

The TIE Silencer is a fictional starfighter in the Star Wars franchise. It is a type of TIE fighter utilized by the First Order, a military organization that arose from the remnants of the Galactic Empire.
The TIE Silencer is a sleek and deadly starfighter, equipped with powerful weapons and advanced sensors. It is heavily armed with a pair of laser cannons and a missile launcher, making it a formidable opponent in space combat. It is also equipped with a hyperdrive and deflector shields, allowing it to travel long distances and withstand enemy fire.
The fighter features a distinctive design, with a black color scheme and angled wings that give it a menacing appearance. It is piloted by elite First Order pilots, including Kylo Ren, a dark warrior who serves as a high-ranking member of the organization.
The TIE Silencer plays a prominent role in the events of the sequel trilogy, appearing in several key battles including the Battle of Crait, where Kylo Ren pilots one in an attempt to destroy the Resistance base. The fighter is also featured in various Star Wars media, including novels, comics, and video games.
9. The Executor

The Executor is a fictional starship in the Star Wars franchise. It is a Super Star Destroyer and serves as the flagship of Darth Vader, a Sith Lord and high-ranking member of the Galactic Empire.
The Executor is one of the largest and most powerful ships in the Star Wars universe, measuring over 19 kilometers in length. It is heavily armed and armored, featuring an array of turbolasers, ion cannons, and missile launchers, as well as powerful deflector shields. It is also capable of carrying a large complement of starfighters, shuttles, and ground assault craft.
The ship features a distinctive design, with a wedge-shaped hull and a series of layered decks that give it a towering and intimidating appearance. It is crewed by tens of thousands of Imperial officers, crewmen, and stormtroopers, and is capable of supporting large-scale military operations across the galaxy.
The Executor plays a prominent role in the events of the original Star Wars trilogy, appearing in several key battles including the Battle of Hoth, where it leads the Imperial fleet in an attack on the Rebel Alliance’s Echo Base. It is also featured in various Star Wars media, including novels, comics, and video games.
10. First Order-era TIE fighter
The First Order-era TIE fighter is a fictional starfighter in the Star Wars franchise. It is a type of TIE fighter utilized by the First Order, a military organization that arose from the remnants of the Galactic Empire.

The First Order TIE fighter is a sleek and deadly starfighter, equipped with powerful weapons and advanced sensors. It is heavily armed with two laser cannons and a missile launcher, making it a formidable opponent in space combat. It is also equipped with a hyperdrive and deflector shields, allowing it to travel long distances and withstand enemy fire.
The fighter features a distinctive design, with a hexagonal cockpit and two large wings that give it a menacing appearance. It is piloted by elite First Order pilots, including Kylo Ren and his Knights of Ren, who serve as high-ranking members of the organization.
The First Order TIE fighter plays a prominent role in the events of the sequel trilogy, appearing in several key battles including the attack on Tuanul village in the opening of The Force Awakens and the Battle of Crait in The Last Jedi. The fighter is also featured in various Star Wars media, including novels, comics, and video games.